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A Reflection.Emit wrapper for dynamic implementation of interfaces and abstract classes, which just works and keeps its users happy.

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Welcome to Happil

In this project we aim to create a wrapper library around .NET Reflection.Emit API. The library should precisely fit two use cases of run-time type generation, which we have in mind:

We also have two important qualities in mind:

Alternatives to Happil

The motivation to launch this project comes from our experience trying to get things done with existing alternatives, namely:

Show Me The Money

Three - given an interface of a data transfer object:

public interface ICustomer
  int Id { get; set; }
  string FullName { get; set; }
  string EmailAddress { get; set; }

Two - plus an implementation convention:


One - plus a decorator convention:

public class DataContractDecorator : ClassDecoratorBase
  public override void OnClassType(ClassType classType, ClassWriterBase writer)
    writer.Attribute<DataContractAttribute>(values => values.Named(a => a.Namespace, "http://mydto/customer"));
  public override void OnProperty(PropertyMember member, Func<PropertyDecorationBuilder> decorate)


[DataContract(Namespace = "http://mydto/customer")]
public sealed class CustomerDto : ICustomer
    private int m_Id;
    private string m_FullName;
    private string m_EmailAddress;

    public int Id
        get { return this.m_Id; }
        set { this.m_Id = value; }

    public string FullName
        get { return this.m_FullName; }
        set { this.m_FullName = value; }

    public string EmailAddress
        get { return this.m_EmailAddress; }
        set { this.m_EmailAddress = value; }